- Staying in the Karkonose National Park for leisure, recreation and sports can pose a danger to life and health. Tourists are exposed to hazards from the forces of nature such as: strong wind, intense rain, thunderstorms, low temperatures, icing, snow avalanches, breaking trees, falling tree branches. Decision concerning entrying the Karkonose National Park are should be measured based on your own experience, following the guidance contained in the messages posted on the websites of the Karkonosze National Park and the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue guidelines! In the case of organized groups led by a qualified guide, the decision is made by the group leader. In case of organized recreation and sports events, the organizer is responsible for the security.
- Tourism in the Karkonosze National Park requires physical preparation, proper knowledge of natural hazards, use of proper clothing, equipment along with the use of equipment for moving in difficult mountain areas. Additionally – following the guidance contained in the messages posted on the websites of the Karkonosze National Park and the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue guidelines.
- Prior to going out in the mountains, you should acquire all possible information about the place you are going to (trails weather condition, mountain conditions, possible hazards), plan routes according to the capacity and experience of all participants and before going out in the mountains to should be aware of the weather conditions and forecasts.
- If possible, do not go out alone and always inform family, friends, host or guest house about your trip plans and possible time of your return.
- Prior to going to the mountains, you should dress appropriately according to the prevailing weather conditions (protection against cold, wind and precipitation), length and difficulty of the route, and to pack up unnecessary things, especially:
- Spare and additional clothing (underwear, socks)
- A hand-held first aid kit, including essential medicines and bandages
- Food and drink
- Map and compass
- A mobile phone with a charged battery and stored emergency numbers
- Winter cap and gloves, handles
- Possibly money, torch, poles, protectors, goggles, cream and sunglasses
Do remember the Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue phone number: 985, 601 100 300 or 112 – universal emergency number